Thursday, February 28, 2008

WorldWide Telescope Wow!

I've been reading about the WorldWide Telescope project this past few days. And I've been as excited as Scoble and other bloggers on it.

What is the WorldWide Telescope?

* WorldWide Telescope is an observatory on your desktop, allowing you to see the sky in a way you have never seen before; individual exploration, multi-wavelength views, stars and planets within context to each other, zoom in/out, and a capability for anyone to create and share a tour of the universe.

* The Visual Experience Engine delivers seamless panning zooming around the night sky.

* WWT delivers seamless integration of science:-relevant information including multi-wavelength, multiple telescope distributed image and data sets, and one-click contextual access to distributed Web information and data sources. (Source:

It really is an incredible use of technology in bringing the beauty space and the universe to kids and to the rest of the public.

Watch Roy Gould of Harvard Center of Astrophysics and Microsoft's Curtis Wong in a sneak preview of WorldWide Telescope at TED Talks.

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