Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cool NBA All-Star Widget

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cool Music Player Widget from Manny Villar for President (MVP) site

From Manny Villar for President(MVP)Social Network

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Microsoft in the news

Microsoft Web Servers Hacked

"Hundreds of thousands of Web sites - including several at the United Nations and in the U.K. government -- have been hacked recently and seeded with code that tries to exploit security flaws in Microsoft Windows to install malicious software on visitors' machines."

From XP to Vista : A Change issue for Microsoft?

"Microsoft keeps insisting that Windows Vista is a winner, but the questions keep mounting — and Thursday’s quarterly report only added to the doubts."

"Revenue from the company’s so-called client division — PC operating systems mainly — came in at a bit under $4.03 billion. That was about $300 million less than most analysts had expected."

Microsoft Outlook tweak for a clutter-free Inbox

"Microsoft Outlook is the company-issued email client at your place of employment, so like it or not, it's up to you to figure out how to manage your inbox, calendar, and task list every day using it. To make things worse, if you're in IT lockdown without administrator rights to your PC, you can't install special add-ons or software to help your cause. Luckily there are install-free ways to customize Outlook, add keyboard shortcuts, and get your inbox down to zero messages painlessly with a few tweaks to your setup."

Syncing Your Microsoft Outlook and Google calendars

"Previously, your Google Apps email address needed to be the organizer or an attendee of your Microsoft Outlook events for the Outlook events to sync to your Google Calendar. Now, when you choose to do a 2-way sync or a 1-way sync from Outlook calendar to Google Calendar, all of your Outlook events will be synced to your Google Calendar."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Firefox Title Bar Anomaly?

I've always been using Portable Firefox for web browsing. It's fast and secure. It is also bundled with other cool portable apps.

A year ago, I decided to make my Firefox look like Internet Explorer courtesy of JohnHaller.com.

Everything's working the way it should be until two days ago. I noticed that the browser title bar got changed. It was supposed to look like this:

But what I'm seeing is:

Even its About page was altered

Other catchy terms include:
Mozilla Lightningadder
Mozilla Junglebeaver
Mozilla Turboape
Mozilla Junglebaboon
Mozilla Watermule
Mozilla Firepenguin
Mozilla Turbofinch
Mozilla Spacesquid
Mozilla Lightningcrane

and so on..

I find them funny and witty. But is this some kind of joke created by Mozilla itself? A hack? Security flaw? I tried googling for answers but couldn't find any. My only guess is that it got changed when I updated Firefox.

If you are experiencing this or if you know anything about this change, feel free to add your comments.

Btw, I'm using Firefox version

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Increase your productivity

I've been out of circulation for weeks now doing a lot of offline stuff. Talk about "so many things to do yet so little time". Anyway, I'd like to share two articles on increasing your productivity.

First, any attempt on optimizing productivity would be nothing, if your tools aren't working with you. Tune your broadband to overdive. and surf/download at maximum speeds. Check out PCWorld as discusses the steps neatly.

Techbays wrote an article on how you can operate a free virtual office with Officezilla. Accoding to it's website, "OfficeZilla allows you to centralize information in a single web-place and provides collaboration features that improve group work efficiency". This tool gives you more time to dedicate on "doing things you do best".

Comments anyone?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shorten URLs

I usually go to TinyURL to shorten long URLs before posting it in Twitter until I found out about Fon.gs from Twixtr's founder Martin Varsavsky.

Fon.gs or Fon Get Simple is like TinyURL but with added value. It lets you choose keywords you want to show in the shortened URL thus making it a lot easier to remember.

I converted Amazon.com Music Store's long URL to http://fon.gs/music1.

And of course, here's the shorter URL of the Cool Tools on the Net : http://fon.gs/my-site

Thursday, February 28, 2008

WorldWide Telescope Wow!

I've been reading about the WorldWide Telescope project this past few days. And I've been as excited as Scoble and other bloggers on it.

What is the WorldWide Telescope?

* WorldWide Telescope is an observatory on your desktop, allowing you to see the sky in a way you have never seen before; individual exploration, multi-wavelength views, stars and planets within context to each other, zoom in/out, and a capability for anyone to create and share a tour of the universe.

* The Visual Experience Engine delivers seamless panning zooming around the night sky.

* WWT delivers seamless integration of science:-relevant information including multi-wavelength, multiple telescope distributed image and data sets, and one-click contextual access to distributed Web information and data sources. (Source: http://worldwidetelescope.org/buzz/FAQ.aspx)

It really is an incredible use of technology in bringing the beauty space and the universe to kids and to the rest of the public.

Watch Roy Gould of Harvard Center of Astrophysics and Microsoft's Curtis Wong in a sneak preview of WorldWide Telescope at TED Talks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gmail's Amazing Feature

Makeuseof.com posted an amazing Gmail feature I think every Gmail user ought to know.

My email address is firstname.lastname@gmail.com. Basically, all messages sent to any of the following email addresses will be forwarded to my email.

* firstnamelastname@gmail.com
* f.i.r.s.t.n.a.m.e.lastname@gmail.com
* firstnamel.a.s.t.n.a.m.e@gmail.com

What makes it more interesting is the fact that Gmail does not allow others to sign up with an almost similar address. If someone tries to sign up using firstnamelastname@gmail.com or with the dots in-between, Gmail will treat such cases as one and therefore will be rejected. Read it in Gmail's Help Center

You're sure that those emails are only going to your inbox and not someone else's mail.

If you have other cool tips, let me know.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Twitxr - A picture is worth a thousand words

Share random thoughts, ideas and pictures with your mobile phone.

Twitxr is a microblogging system, much like Twitter but has the capability to add photos along with your text. What I find exceptional about Twitxr is the geolocalization feature. Your friends are Google-mapped based on the location setting in their profile.

If you wanna test this service. Add me as a friend in Twitxr http://twitxr.com/roice/

Some screenshots of Twitxr...